Successful highway development with Nafuflex

Haifa - Israel

Highway 6 is considered one of the largest and most important infrastructure projects in the history of Israel. Currently, the officially named "Yitzhak Rabin Highway" runs from Be'er Sheva, the "capital of the Negev Desert" in the south, over about 170 kilometres north to Jokne’am on the south-eastern foothills of the Carmel Mountains. From there, the highway is being extended by a good 20 kilometres in the direction of the port city of Haifa, an important goods transshipment centre on the Mediterranean. The aim of the project is to create a more efficient transport solution that relieves the congested traffic arteries and further improves accessibility to and from the area.
The extension of the route began in mid-2016 and is scheduled for completion in 2019 at a total cost of close to 600 million euros. The developer is toll route concessionaire Shafir Engineering Cross-Israel Highway Nord, which has acquired the rights to toll collection until 2049, with project management responsibilities falling to the Trans-Israel Highway Company.
First choice: Nafuflex

When selecting the waterproofing materials, the client followed the recommendation of a specially appointed, independent expert and opted for the sprayable polymermodified thick bituminous coating system Nafuflex. It offers distinctive strengths in waterproofing vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces under conditions of water exposure corresponding to classes W1-E (soil moisture and non-pressing seepage water), W2.1-E (moderate water pressure < 3 m), W3-E (non-accumulating water on earth-covered roofs) and W4-E (splash water at wall bases and capillary water in and below walls in contact with the ground).

The waterproofing work on several twin tunnels, bridge foundations, retaining walls, culverts and vehicle transitways was completed successfully.
The waterproofing work on several twin tunnels, bridge foundations, retaining walls, culverts and vehicle transitways was completed successfully.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

The material is available as a single-component formulation, Nafuflex Profi Tech 1, and in a two-component version, Nafuflex Profi Tech 2. Both variants are highly flexible and crack-bridging and ideal for airless spraying thanks to their consistency, as well as solvent-free and therefore environmentally compatible. Thanks to its powder component, Nafuflex Profi Tech 2 also ensures that the waterproofing coat dries particularly quickly. As a result of these advantages, A.Z. Advanced Building Technologies, the partner company of MC in Israel, was readily able to convince the contractor of the suitability of this MC waterproofing product family.
Strict controls

Accompanying the contractor, who closely supervised the spraying work, a client-appointed expert regularly checked for correct surface preparation and appropriate application of the waterproofing coating. This regime also required the increased presence of A.Z. and MC on the construction site. Finally, the waterproofing work on several twin tunnels, bridge foundations, retaining walls, culverts and vehicle transitways all successfully passed a series of strict acceptance test procedures.

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    Successful highway development with Nafuflex

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    Haifa - Israel, 2018

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