Concrete cosmetics for Hamburg’s HafenCity

Hamburg - Germany

HafenCity in the proudly Hanseatic City of Hamburg is currently seen as the largest inner-city urban development project in Europe. With around 140 different construction sites underway, the volumes involved are gigantic. In total, the building work will provide for more than 2.4 million m² of gross floor space. And wherever upgrading exposed concrete surfaces becomes part of the project remit, MC’s concrete cosmetics products are invariably the go-to first choice.
The city of Hamburg is setting new standards with the development of this new municipal space along the river Elbe: Over an area of 157 ha, a lively city-within-a-city with a maritime flair all of its own is being created, combining work, home life, culture, leisure, tourism and retail. By the end of 2019, 68 individual construction “subprojects” will have been completed and a further 71 are already underway or in the planning stage.


MC involved on numerous sites

The concrete cosmetics of MC have been and are being used in numerous of these construction projects, for example in SKAI HafenCity, the “Southern Überseequartier”, HafenCity University and the so-called “Intelligent Quarter”. As different as the property developers responsible for the individual projects are, they unanimously decided to rely on MC’s know-how in concrete cosmetics. In addition to reliable on-site service and high product quality, the extensive range of system products for a wide variety of applications has also been a key factor in this blanket approval. In Hamburg’s HafenCity, the challenges range from repair work such as closing anchor holes, pores, cavities and joints in intricate ceilings and complex walls, to the visual upgrading of fair-faced concrete surfaces and further concrete cosmetic work in demanding areas such as columns, balconies or underground car parks. Different fillers and colour shades were required for, in particular, colour matching and the removal of defects on exposed concrete surfaces.

Futura Campus building (left) and the construction sites of the so-called Creative Blocks (right).
Futura Campus building (left) and the construction sites of the so-called Creative Blocks (right).
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Superfine concrete cosmetics with Emcefix

The products of the Emcefix family are therefore particularly in demand and constantly in use on the various construction sites of HafenCity. As the demands on concrete surfaces increase, so too do the demands on concrete cosmetics. If the surface is to be truly flawless, the Emcefix system of MC, consisting of a bond coat and coarse, fine and superfine fillers, will invariably provide the solution required. All products are polymer-modified and ready for use immediately after mixing with water. The Emcefix-Spachtel G coarse filler, for example, is suitable for concrete repairs such as patching imperfections both large and small, and the reprofiling of deep flaws and spalled areas up to 50 mm deep. Emcefix-Spachtel F lang fine filler is available in seven different colours and is mainly used for surface skimming and the precision filling of standard and fair-faced concretes in layer thicknesses of up to 6 mm. And the superfine filler in the family, Emcefix-Spachtel F extra fein, is available in three colours and is mainly used for the full-surface filling and skimming of standard concrete and fair-faced concrete with layer thicknesses of up to 3 mm.

Thus, MC’s concrete-cosmetic products contribute to the high quality standards being regularly delivered by the contractors involved in the HafenCity project.

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    Concrete cosmetics for Hamburg’s HafenCity

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    Hamburg - Germany, 2020

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