Challenges & Applications


Cement-bound construction materials have proven highly successful in the potable water segment. The resistance of these substances to wear-related degradation such as leaching and hydrolytic corrosion depends on their internal structure and the density of the cement stone. Taking our DySC® technology to a new level, the coating system MC-RIM PW has been especially developed to meet these stringent requirements.

With DySC® technology, especially formulated aluminium phyllosilicate generates additional crystal growth in the remaining spaces of the matrix.  This leads to further mineralization of the cavity structure, further reducing porosity to a previously unachieved level. Any coating based on this technology thus offers extreme resilience, compactness and durability.


No two concrete structures are the same, and this is also true when it comes to the consistency of ageing concrete. Concrete repair work has to take into account various structure-related requirements, including strength class, modulus of elasticity and other variables.

The European repair standard EN 1504 Part 3 groups concrete replacement materials into classes R1 to R4 that reflect conditions typical to certain structures and substrates.

With Nafufill LM [R1], Nafufill KM 220 [R2], Nafufill KM 230 [R3] and Nafufill KM 250 [R4], you have at your disposal four high-performance replacement mortars that satisfy the requirements specified in EN 1504 Part 3. They also offer a wide performance spectrum, enabling them to be used for applications far beyond those covered in the standard.

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