MC certified to ISO 14001

Dec 21, 2020

Each year, MC-Bauchemie undergoes an audit according to ISO 14001, the internationally recognised environmental management standard. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, this year's scrutiny was postponed from March to October 2020. Thorough examination of MC-Bauchemie’s systems led to unreserved confirmation of our certification. Environmental management at MC-Bauchemie is accompanied by a distinctive quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001. Both together are the foundation for sustainable corporate development.


The international environmental management standard sets out globally recognised requirements for an environmental management system and is part of a family of standards that includes numerous other codes covering various areas of environmental management, including life cycle assessments, environmental indicators and environmental performance evaluation. ISO 14001 focuses on a continuous improvement process as a means of achieving the defined environmental performance objectives of an organisation.


Comprehensive environmental management system

MC-Bauchemie was one of the first chemical companies in Germany to be audited and certified according to both the quality management standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The ISO 14001 certification audit takes place every three years. The objectives defined within this framework for a period of three years are additionally reviewed and confirmed annually by monitoring audits. With its environmental management system and extensive range of sustainability programmes, MC is pursuing the goal of improving its material and energy efficiency while also reducing water usage, emissions and waste. These undertakings are continuously monitored and their development is reviewed annually by external environmental experts, with the relevant data being recorded and published in the environmental report. This covers all environmental aspects of the operational processes and activities of the Bottrop site together with their direct and indirect environmental influences.


Established practice

The knowledge base and environmental awareness of MC's employees are continuously improved by means of appropriate information and regular training. A competition is also held based on environmental considerations. By adopting a “best practice” approach in relation to the application of the management system, we establish effective protective precautions at the co-worker, organisational, and technical level, thus contributing to effectively reducing impact on both people and the environment. Environmental management at MC-Bauchemie is accompanied by a distinctive quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001. Both together are the foundation for sustainable corporate development.


Current successes

In the past two years – a year ahead of the target date – filter dust in the powder tower has been reduced by 120 t through the total elimination of backwash cycles. The target for fuel oil consumption in bitumen operations was a reduction of 20% by 2020. However, the switch to more efficient heating and storage methods has actually resulted in a decrease of over 28%.


With the help of process optimisation measures such as the reduction of production times and use of energy-efficient motors, specific electricity consumption per tonne of finished product is set to decrease by 10% by 2021. Gas consumption is also to be significantly reduced by further production efficiency improvements. And there is a whole range of other measures and environmental programmes with which MC is constantly improving its environmental performance.



MC-Bauchemie was one of the first chemical companies in Germany to be audited and certified according to both the quality management standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
MC-Bauchemie was one of the first chemical companies in Germany to be audited and certified according to both the quality management standard ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025
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