MC aktiv 2/2018 has been published

Sep 05, 2018

In the second issue of our employee and customer magazine MC aktiv we have layed focus on 3D concrete printing.

Building with a 3D printer may have sounded like the stuff of fantasy two decades ago, but today it is already a reality. Over the last 15 years, research projects around the world have been testing 3D concrete printing for user suitability, with good progress made towards process maturity for upscaling to series and even mass production. Our concrete technologists are making their own contribution with two research projects at the universities of science and technology TU Braunschweig and TU Dresden. You can read more in this edition’s MC Report. In addition, we again offer many interesting project reports, product news and general news about MC.
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Your contact:
Saki M. Moysidis, Managing Editor of MC aktiv 

MC aktiv 2/2018
MC aktiv 2/2018
© MC-Bauchemie 2025
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